Let’s face it, moms. Marriage is hard. And thriving in marriage is even harder with kids in the home.
The past few months have been particularly stressful in my household. Between holidays, school breaks, financial pressure, and the ongoing stress of running our own business, my husband and I haven’t always modeled a loving marriage. But we’ve remained committed to making it the best it can be, in good times and bad.
No matter what life throws at us, the one action that never returns void is prayer.
Whether your marriage is thriving or barely surviving, let’s make this Valentine’s season the best it can be and lift our spouses and marriages to the Lord. (If you’re a single parent, join me in praying for your ex-spouse or for the friend or family member who helps you most with your kids.)
A Prayer for Unity
Heavenly Father, there are times when my marriage is anything but unified—when it feels like my husband and I are walking down paths that never intersect. Would You begin to change that today? Show me how I can reach out to my spouse and seek unity in our actions and words. Give us wisdom to parent as a team, and help us communicate our differences in a healthy way that strengthens our marriage rather than tearing it apart. Thank You for the gift of my spouse and the unique gifts he brings to our parenting journey. May I affirm him today and be grateful. In Jesus’s name, amen.
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! Psalm 133:1, NIV
A Prayer for Peace
Lord, I wish I could say my home is always peaceful, but it’s not. Some days the tension and arguments echo off the walls. My muscles tighten and stress piles onto my shoulders. Other days my husband and I get along, but the breakneck speed of life steals our peace. Today I bring whatever tension has weighed me down and ask You to lift it. Your Word says You offer a peace that the world can’t give (John 14:27). Would You pour that peace over my marriage right now? Show me where I might be part of the problem—whether initiating needless arguments or spreading myself too thin—and give me courage to change. Thank You for giving me my husband as a teammate, and allow us to work together to create a peaceful haven for our family. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone. Hebrews 12:14a, NIV
A Prayer for Love
Father, as much as I long for a loving marriage, my life doesn’t always feel like a Hallmark movie. The calendar is full, my kids demand limitless time and attention, and I often feel like I have nothing left for my spouse. Whatever season of marriage I find myself in, I’m so grateful that You’ve given me a model of selfless love in the form of Your Son, Jesus. Would You help me follow His example? Show me how I can love my husband well today, and keep me attuned to his needs rather than dwelling solely on what I want. Where any hurts or voids exist, help us to communicate and forgive, moving forward with a new resolve to love each other as You have loved us. May today be the start of a loving legacy in our marriage and home. In Jesus’s name, amen.
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3, NIV
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