I became a mom by acquiring children. Let me explain. I am not a biological mother; all of my children have come into my heart and home through unconventional means. Some planned by me, some unplanned…but all, of course, Divinely ordained.
One of my biggest mom-challenges has been figuring out our “groove.” When you give birth to a child, there are generally 40 or so weeks to plan and prepare for their arrival. Even then, adjusting is hard. But when a child arrives—er…descends—into the household without adequate planning, it can make your home feel like its own Cascadia Subduction Zone!
Each new child has their own rhythm. They have different needs for food, sleep, bathroom, and homework. Even buckling them into their car seat can feel like a major event! And of course, as Mama, your groove gets mixed up when you are attending to your little one’s needs.
And then your rhythm gets rocked harder than the impending Cascadia quake.
I’ve lived in Oregon my entire life, so I’ve had the luxury of visiting the Pacific Ocean on a regular basis. The last time I walked on the beach, it was cold—which is common for the Oregon coast. But even though the wind was whipping my hair into silly string and my hands chilled to red jello, somehow I felt peace. The wild scene in front of me was its own song, in perfect rhythm. In perfect tune.
The push and pull-back of the tide.
The sun setting, illuminating everything to a purple-pink-orange color best described by the word transcendent.
And the song. I had to slow down to hear it. It was in the sweetness of the waves and the color in the sunset. My heart and soul could experience it only when I stilled my busy mind. In that song God was telling me, “It’s all going to be okay. I’ve got this. I’m bigger than the waves and wind, and I’m holding you just like you hold your child.”
Zephaniah 3:17 says, “He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”
When you’re in your groove—or even trying to get into your groove—it’s easy to get hijacked. But God has a song for you.
In the rhythm of your day-to-day, do you hear it?
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