Christmas is a great time to celebrate friends and family, and of course, God’s Word.. And so, we are giving away a beautiful, hand-painted ESV journaling Bible from EverlastingWordsCo.

How does it work? Enter the giveaway and the winner will be sent a gift card to design their own beautiful hand-painted Bible with the artist. She will paint the scripture/song lyrics, etc. of your choice along with your name or “Holy Bible” on the spine. Each one of these Bibles is unique and one of a kind, just like you.

Fill out the form below to be entered to win:
Painted Bible Giveaway

Here’s the fine print: This giveaway will close on January 2, 2020. If the winner does not respond five days from our initial contact, we reserve the right to select a new winner. Filling out the giveaway form will subscribe you to our email list.
Thank you, mom. Have a blessed holiday season!
I think thankfulness starts at home with mom and dad. They should begin to teach children from a young age. I think if u can do random acts of kindness here & there or pay it forward when you can. Remember even the littlest act can make a world of difference. When someone does it for u give praises unto God.
God is good
Hi, thank you !
Thankfulness starts with you..and only you..You choose to be thankful whether it is the worst time or the best time of your life. There is always something to be thankful for. We are not promised anything, every breath is a gift and nothing short of a testimony of God’s love for us.
Thankfulness begins in the heart and mind. If you set your heart and mind right everything else will follow.
Would love this!!
This is amazing! God is good and may who ever when’s feel the Lords love.
God is always before me. If I think beyond the ways if this world I’m forever and always thankful. He gave us his only son to pay the ultimate price for our sins. Thankfulness comes from really understanding what that means.
God bless
I tried to paint on my Bible and totally ruined it. I really want to have “I am the vines and you are the branches, remain in me” and all the verses related added together and vines and branches with roses hanging all over. ..
I’m praying I win, i desperately need a Bible, I still use my student Bible that’s for middle schoolers. This is so very beautiful and so personal, I love everything about this. God is good!!!!! Praying I win.
Would love to win this!!
This would be awesome! I have started Bible journaling and this would be a great experience.
If I win I would like it to say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Thanks for the chance to win. Take care and God bless. Happy Mother’s Day 2019
This is so beautiful and one of a kind.
This would be awesome! I have lost the Bible I’ve had since I was 19 (now 65). It was so full of margin notes, notes in every little white space I could find. I feel lost without that. This would be a beautiful replacement!
This is a beautiful gift to give.
Thank you so much for the chance to win!
I Hope I Win Because I Give Soo MUCH Love to Our Son Kyle Cause We Let Him Sleep with us when he is sick, Play with Him, Take Him to Music Together Classes which he Loves, Got him Enrolled in Water Babies Swim Class, Love Being A Stay at Home Mom, Taking him to Getaways with Me, etc….
Such a beautiful gift to give and receive. Thank you for this giveaway! God bless you.
What a beautiful Bible!