Live long enough, and you’ll find yourself a label. Some have been placed there by others (names we were called as children, rumors spread about us in high school, praises [Read more…]
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10 tips for successful home canning from The Canning Diva®
Home canning is a labor of love. Each of us puts a great deal of time into planning, preparing, and processing our canning recipes. One way to lessen the load [Read more…]

Mom, here’s how Gospel hope can change your heart
I think we can all agree that motherhood is hard and life can bring out the worst in us. But culture would attest that if we have the right systems [Read more…]

Seasons of growth: What gardening teaches us about time
I live a garden life. It began in my mid-20s with a few tomato plants set out in a Chicago community garden each May, and in my late 40s has [Read more…]

Craft a love-filled charcuterie board for a sweet Valentine’s Day surprise
Cheese, chocolates, and juicy strawberries are symbols of true love, at least at the Grace-Filled Homestead. This board is filled with all the favorites for your loved ones. Board Ingredients: [Read more…]

How the Bible reframes our understanding of hard
All suffering is hard. But not all hard things are suffering. The Oxford English Dictionary says that to suffer is to “experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).” [Read more…]