Kristin Berry resides just outside of Indianapolis, close to her two grown children, sons-in-law and three adorable grandchildren. She is the former foster mom of 23 children, mom of 8 children, all of whom were adopted, and the wife of Mike. She writes and speaks with her husband at confessionsofanadoptiveparent.com, a ministry they started to share hope and encouragement with foster and adoptive families. Most days you can find her reading a book, playing outside with her kids or caring for her family’s pet donkey, Meg.
Kristin Berry resides just outside of Indianapolis, close to her two grown children, sons-in-law and three adorable grandchildren. She is the former foster mom of 23 children, mom of 8 children, all of whom were adopted, and the wife of Mike. She writes and speaks with her husband at confessionsofanadoptiveparent.com, a ministry they started to share hope and encouragement with foster and adoptive families. Most days you can find her reading a book, playing outside with her kids or caring for her family’s pet donkey, Meg.