I never went to Mommy School. Did you? (Chuckle.) There’s no such thing, but somehow as women and as mothers, we are supposed to be experts in this motherhood thing. I had the privilege of having a wonderful mother, but when I became a parent, all of the sudden I felt helpless and stuck. Sometimes I felt like I didn’t have a clue!
One of the things I love about the Lord is that he always provides what we need at exactly the right time. I have not had the privilege of formal mommy-mentoring, but there have been many people along the way who taught me so many things and supported me in my motherhood. They have been amazing mentors.
Like my friend Victoria, who visited me soon after I became a stepmother. My kids were running rampant through the house, and her children stepped on the gas of the collective energy within our small space. I had no idea what to do, and I was exhausted. Victoria quickly laid down the law (in the nicest of ways). She insisted that all the kids speak kindly and with inside voices, and she got a snack fixed for everyone. I learned more about discipline and parent-child respect in those few hours than I ever did in a textbook.
Or my friend Chris, a father who models the practice of attunement. When his children bid for attention, he immediately says, “I’m right here. I am listening. You are important to me.” His response lets his children know they are seen and heard, regardless of the boundaries Chris sets. This communication creates securely attached children who later grow up to be emotionally healthy adults.
Or my grandmothers and mother, who consistently prayed for their kids and families, providing a legacy and foundation of faith. Just knowing they did this is probably one of the best teachings I have ever received.
The more I reflected, I remembered hundreds of other moments and scenarios—from people, to events, to things learned from reading or media. How about for you? Who do you think of when you reflect on your motherhood journey? What events, situations (both positive and negative), or other influences have mentored you along the way?
As a mother, who or what has been one of your mentors?
That’s the heart of God, our best Mentor. Perhaps he’s provided a more formalized “Mommy School” through the consistent presence of a teacher. Or perhaps he’s provided that teaching in more subtle ways. Regardless of how the teaching is provided, you can rest assured that his heart to support you in your motherhood journey is a thread that knits your family together.
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