I do not know, o God, what what will happen to me today. I only know that nothing will happen to me but what has been foreseen by you from all eternity, and that is sufficient, o my God, to keep me in peace. I adore your eternal designs. I submit to them will my heart.
—Elisabeth of France
May I see difficulty as a challenge, a holy errand, a sign of your confidence in me, in us. In what I can overcome through your power and wisdom. Amen.
Help us to be mindful that we are not alone when we need wisdom. We need only ask for it. You have promised to bestow it liberally…teach us to know that if we are to be successful stewards, we must be your servants.
—Barbara Jordan
Dear God, when I think it’s over, remind me that it’s not over. Amen.
The light of God surrounds me; the love of God enfolds me; the power of God protects me; the presence of God watches over me. Wherever I am, God is.
—James Dillet Freeman
Heavenly Father, please bring peace to my hearts so that I can share peace with others. Amen.
Therefore perfect what thou hast begun, and what thy spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek thy face; turn thy face unto us and show us thy glory. Then shall our longing be satisfied, and our peace shall be perfect.
—Saint Augustine
Jesus, in you alone my mind finds peace, my body finds comfort, my soul finds rest. Amen
Loving Lord and Heavenly Father, I offer up today all that I am, all that I have, all that I do, and all that I suffer, to be yours today and yours forever. Give me grace, Lord, to do all that I know of your holy will.
—Elisabeth Elliot
I thank you, God, for creating me to manifest your glory within me. As I let your light shine, may I inspire others to do the same. Amen.
Thank you. God, for the gift of children in my life. Help me to show them your love and grace. I want to teach them the best way to live, so that as they learn and grow, they will follow you ever more closely.
—Lily Kent
Father God, I place my life in your hands, because I want to see your hand in my life. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for refreshing my soul. Because of you, my spirit takes flight. I am hopeful and free to express, to explore, to be who you created me to be.
—Victoria Ray
Eternal God, as I adjust to these ever-changing times, help me to hold firmly to unchanging principles. Amen.
Lord, be with every woman who is sick and encourage them as only you can. I know how faithful you are. You have shown yourself to be everything you say you are in your Holy Word. I praise you, for you made this body and you can heal this body. In Jesus’s name I pray.
—Fran Leffler
Thank you, God, for this new day, for the life you are giving each member of my family. Bless each one of us with the strength and health we need to serve you today, with the joy we need. May we not give in to discouragement, anger, or boredom. Give us the protection we need against physical and moral danger, and with the love we need to give hope to all we meet.
—Author Unknown
These prayers were taken from the new book Short Prayers of Strength for Women.
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