Prayer is one of the most important habits you can help your child develop early in life. Even little ones can learn to thank God for all the wonderful things He does for them. Share these prayers with your child (one for each weekday) and be sure to keep scrolling down for some helpful suggestions on things you can ask God for, as well.
Monday (Learning)
Dear God, thank You for a good weekend. Please help me at school this week. I pray that you will help me to focus. I pray that my teacher will be able to help me learn more.
[Younger children] Dear God, thank You for a good weekend. Please help me to learn more about you this week and to be nice to my mommy and daddy and brothers and sisters.
Tuesday (Friendships)
Dear God, I pray that my friends will have a good day today and that You will help them learn more about You. Help me to be an example to the friends who don’t know You and to be helpful to the friends that do know you.
[Younger children] Dear God, help me to be kind to others, to share with them, and to be a good helper. Teach me how to be a good friend.
Wednesday (Obedience)
Dear God, thank You for forgiving me of my sins. I pray that I would please You today in all I do. I also ask you to help me be obedient to my teachers and coaches and parents and others in authority.
[Younger children] Dear God, help me to obey my mommy and daddy and the other adults in charge of me. Help me to learn to obey You too and to do things that make You happy.
Thursday (Show Jesus)
Dear God, I pray you will help me tell people about You and Your Word, so that somebody who doesn’t know You will get to know You.
[Younger children] Dear God, help me to learn more about You and Your Son, Jesus, so I can know how much you love me and can tell others about You too.
Friday (Thank You)
Dear God, thank you for making me and for giving me parents or somebody to take care of me. Please give me a good Friday and a good weekend.
[Younger children] Dear God, thank you for giving me a good family and for taking good care of me. Help me to have a good day today to learn more about you.
Prayers to God for You, Mom
I pray that You will draw me to Yourself.
I pray that I will delight in You.
I pray that You will be patient with me.
I pray that You will provide for me.
I pray that You will bless me.
I pray that You will use me to be a blessing to others.
I pray that You will mature me.
I pray that I will show Jesus in my very being.
These prayers and more can be found in the You’re God’s Girl! Prayer Journal for girls ages 8-12. To discover more resources for girls, visit forgirlslikeyou.com.
Thanks for sharing this.