Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him” (Lamentations 3:22-24).
Is your family going through a tough season? Chances are if you haven’t experienced family hardship yet, you will. Painful and tough times are part of life, and no family escapes them.
My family, too, has experienced painful times. During the throes of suffering, I constantly wondered if everything was ever going to get better, if our family would be happy again, and if God could really put things back together.
I knew that God could put things back together, but I didn’t know if he would. And that understanding felt so overwhelmingly scary. Everything was out of my control and in the hands of a being I couldn’t see with my eyes or be physically held in his arms.
It takes a supreme—and almost superhuman—act to be able to get up each day in a season like this. It’s almost an impossible feat to move forward. It is a decision of the mind, based on what you know is true about God.
But what about when your heart doesn’t match your mind? What about when your heart aches so much that it blocks out everything your mind knows is true?
I love what the prophet Jeremiah says in Lamentations 3:22-24. This is a passage about how God’s love for us never fails, and how we will not drown even though we feel we are swallowed up by something huge that we cannot control. God will rescue us. And he rescues us because he loves us.
Love is something that is first felt in the heart. God cares about what’s going on in your heart—your grief, your pain, your fear. He meets you in your heart space; he is faithful to meet you every single morning, ready to face a tough day together.
What an amazing love! And we mamas are wired for love, aren’t we? We have the capacity to love so deeply, so unabashedly, so relentlessly, so tirelessly. God gave us that ability. That’s why it hurts so much when our families are suffering.
Guess where that love comes from? Our maker. Him.
God gave us love and made us to experience love, in part for tough times. He knew that when our hearts ache so hard that we can’t think rationally, we would need to feel loved. Because if we can just trust in love—his love—it’s enough to get through. It’s our portion for today.
And it’s love that makes the hard part—the waiting—possible. Because your heart knows, even when your head doesn’t.
So wait for God to come through, just like you did as a young woman waiting for your beloved to come. Let God provide what you need, just for today. He has been faithful, and he will always be faithful. His love and compassion never fail, even in the most difficult of seasons.
My family made it through our tough season. It was hard, but through each day, I knew that even though I couldn’t see the end of the day, God would give me the grace to walk through it. And every step of the way, he poured out his love so unabashedly, so fully.
He can and he will do the same for you.
I’m a christian mom, I have a 11 year old son and he likes to play a lot of fortnite which is fine. Anyway we come home from pre-prayer on Saturday and he goes up stairs and says he is going to play Fortnite. I go up stairs to his room and I catch him masturbating to Fortnite porn on his tablet which is only to be used to help him with bible study. I grabbed his tablet, and tablet from him then I burned them because I NEEDED them out of my christian household. As a christian mom I don’t know what I should do to cleanse him from this filth.