Popular messages in faith-based circles tell us that we should slow down, rest, and care for our souls. On the other hand, the world is shouting at us to do more, be more, have more. As believers, how do we balance God’s model for work and rest with the passions and talents He’s given us?
In my book Holy Hustle: Embracing a Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life, I take readers on an encouraging journey to discover how the right mix of hard work and the right kind of rest add up to blessings that just might surprise and delight. Through personal stories, Scripture, and reader interaction, we learn that when we work hard on the things God is giving us to do for His glory and honor, our hustle enhances the kingdom.
From redeeming the word “hustle” to discovering our superpower of service, Holy Hustle is not just the story of how God has redefined success, failure, and rest in my life, but an exciting invitation for you to see the worth of your work through God’s eyes as we examine the examples He has for us in Scripture.
But why Holy Hustle?
Hustle works 24/7, jogging along in high heels on busy city streets with a coffee in one hand and a phone in the other, ignoring everyone around her. She is ruthless about getting the job done and will do whatever it takes to make sure she shines brighter than the rest, even if it means pulling an all-nighter to finish another presentation or missing time with her family. Hustle believes she can do it on her own if she simply works harder, does more, and says yes to everything. She doesn’t need anyone else to help her because she knows she has what it takes.
Holy takes long, quiet walks in prayer labyrinths and devours books on self-care, soul-care, and grace. She wakes up early to spend no less than 30 minutes in her quiet-time chair, stocking up on scented candles and buying Bibles with extra-wide margins for journaling. Holy doesn’t understand why Hustle can’t slow down and rest, and Hustle doesn’t understand why Holy seems to be missing the opportunity to serve her family and community through work.
What if there was another way to live? A place where we can find ourselves embracing the work God has given us while honoring His command to rest?
The message of holy hustle isn’t intended to pile on criticism, doubt, or anxiety. This message is meant to affirm, encourage, and challenge us—not to do more, but to live more. The holy hustle we’re talking about has nothing to do with striving, working 24/7, ignoring our families, or doubting the impact we’ll have as we faithfully pursue our work. Holy hustle doesn’t put pressure on us to perform; it invites us to a deeper relationship with the only One who can turn our small offerings into great gifts.
In the beginning, God worked for six days and called it good. He rested on day seven and called it holy. We are made for holy hustle.
My prayer is that you will experience…
• renewed peace as you focus on serving, not striving
• reawakened potential as you ditch comparison and embrace community
• redefined purpose as you seek the roles God has for you
You were created to work with enthusiasm for the right reasons—and you were also made with a need to rest. Where these two sides meet Is the holy hustle.
Crystal Stine encourages women to pursue holy hustle—a work-hard, rest-well lifestyle that chases faith instead of fame. Along with being a popular speaker, she is the author of Holy Hustle. Quieting the Shout of Should, and her most recent book, Holy Hustle Planner. Crystal lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and daughter. www.crystalstine.me
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