Children tend to know a whole lot more than we think they do. However, what is not obvious to them (and to us) is where to place our hope. We need real, reliable hope—hope that is more glorious and more certain than the promise of dessert if you eat all your supper.
One my favorite theologians, Herman Bavinck, said, “This is a world full of humor, laughter mixed with tears, existing in the sign of the cross, and given immediately after the fall to Christ, the Man of sorrows, that he might save and subdue it.” Kids and adults know the world is not the way it should be. We see the humor and taste the bitter tears. But what we don’t always see or remember is that Jesus Christ is the most deserving of our hope and trust.
I hope that you and your kids are able to see the glory and trustworthiness of Jesus, the King who died and rose so that we could live with him forever.
Gloria Furman is the author of several popular books, including Missional Motherhood, Glimpses of Grace, and Alive in Him. Her latest release, A Tale of Two Kings, teaches children about God’s incredible plan for redemption through Christ Jesus. Gloria lives in the Middle East where her husband, Dave, is the pastor of Redeemer Church of Dubai.
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