God created man in His own image.
Mom, do you know you were created in the image of God? When God created woman, He created her in His image. Let this sink into your heart and mind. You are creative, intelligent, and rational because you were created in God’s image.
Do you know you are a reflection of God’s glory? That’s what being created in His image means. You reflect Him to other people. Every time you reach out in love, perform a deed of kindness, soften your heart in forgiveness, show a little extra patience, and follow through in faithfulness, other people experience the character of God through you.
Do you know you are created to have fellowship and communion with God? “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (1 Corinthians 1:9).
As a reflection of God’s glory, thank God and…
Resolve never to criticize or downgrade yourself, but instead
Rejoice that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Resolve to walk by faith paths you may not understand and
Rejoice in the promise of His nearness as He directs your way.
Resolve to live as a child of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, and
Rejoice that as God’s child your name is written in heaven.
Resolve to commune with God daily through prayer and Bible study, and
Rejoice in His strength each day and hope in Him for tomorrow.
Resolve to reflect His glory and
Rejoice in His love!
From One Minute with the Women of the Bible by Elizabeth George
Awesome! God’s glory is seen through us because we are created in his likeness